Fortnightly Watercolour Club – 1:00pm til 4:30pm…ish
Each fortnight we will explore a new subject, learn techniques, experiment with materials, explore colour theory & gain confidence with this exciting medium.
Materials will be available at the first session. However, working with your own set of watercolours is essential for development. Advice will be given at the first session to help you with the equipment you need.
Watercolour Club schedule is 6 session over 12 weeks. When you sign up for watercolour club you will be charged for the first session @ £25.00, you will also pre-authorise us to charge your payment card a further 5 times for £25.00 each fortnight. Non Refundable
Session will be on the following dates
19th Jan, 2nd Feb, 16th Feb, 1st Mar, 15th Mar, 29th Mar